Monday, September 1, 2008

Chapter 5 Sec 2



  • This section is about carbohydrates and how the provide fuel and building materials for the body.

  • Carbohydrates are organic compounds made from sugar molecules, sugar molecules are also known as CH2O.

  • Glucose, a form of monosaccharides can be found in both straight-chain and ring-shaped forms. Glucose is the main fuel of the body's cellular work. Fat molecules are gradually formed from unused glucose. Another sugar molecule is sucrose (a disaccharide different from monosaccharides), they are formed by a glucose molecule linked together to a fructose molecule, they can be found in plants.

  • Complex carbohydrates are known as polysaccharides, they have long chains of sugar monomers. Starch is a common form of polysaccharides found in potatoes. Glycogen are polysaccharides found in animal and cellulose is found in plants.

Concept Check

1. Explain the difference between a monosaccharide and a dissacharide. Give an example of each.

Monosaccharides are the sugar units that are found in simple sugars and dissacharides are double sugars that are made by two monosaccharides.

2. Compare and contrast starch, glycogen and cellulose.

Starch are found in plants and they are constructed entirely of glucose monomers. Like starch, glycogen are instead found in animal or human and they are more complex than plants and in human they are stored in muscles and the liver when needed. Cellulose are found in plants like starch, but they are used as building materials.

3. How do animals store excess glucose molecules?

They are stored by being turned into bigger fat molecules or be mixed in with bigger carbohydrates.

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